Starting a business from scratch is no small feat. At Campione Law, we help make the journey go a lot smoother by helping startups avoid costly mistakes from the get-go.

Small Business Attorney in Jacksonville FL

Here are some of the many ways our small business attorneys in Jacksonville, FL can help you not only survive entrepreneurship – but thrive, too:

  • Set Up a Business EntityFrom sole proprietorship’s to corporations, limited liability companies to general partnerships, non-profits to benefit corporations, and more, a small business attorney in Jacksonville, FL can help you make a calculated decision regarding the best setup to go with.

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  • Business LicensingAfter forming the business, the next step is to secure mandatory licensing and permits. Which ones are necessary for your industry and how can you ensure compliance with all local, state, and federal laws?Leave the hard work of research and filings to our small business lawyers at Campione Law. We help our clients to get approved for a range of licenses, including liquor permits, medical licenses, and lottery ticket permits, just to name a few.  

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  • General Counsel PlanningCampione Law also offers general counsel plans for the various stages in business, including the startup, growth, and established phases. With this service, we formulate a clear plan of action to prepare for common challenges faced during these cycles.


  • General Counsel Planning – Campione Law also offers general counsel plans for the various stages in business, including the startup, growth, and established phases. With this service, we formulate a clear plan of action to prepare for common challenges faced during these cycles.
  • Contracts – There are numerous online services that offer business owners a simple and affordable way to create a contract for employment, purchases, or settling legal disputes. These contracts may be invalid or unenforceable, however, if certain criteria aren’t met.

That’s where Campione Law’s business lawyers come in.

 We write and review contracts to ensure they are mutually accepted by all parties; signed in good faith, and feature offer and acceptance clauses – variables that must be met to confirm validity.

Campione Law are versatile business attorneys specializing in a range of business law practices. Whether you’re ready to create a startup or are an established business owner, we can help you run a smooth, efficient, and profitable business.