Our landlord tenant lawyer in Jacksonville Florida agrees that income properties have some amazing benefits.

However, this type of income generation can dry up quickly if you aren’t careful. Therefore, we always suggest consulting a landlord-tenant lawyer – before, during, and after leasing your property.

What a Lawyer Can Do for You

An experienced real estate lawyer specializing in landlord and tenant agreements can review contracts – at length.

Legal Advice for Landlords

A landlord tenant lawyer in Jacksonville Florida moreover catches loopholes in lease agreements that could potentially cost you big.

Top Legal Advice for Landlords

Back rent and repairs shouldn’t be the only concerns for homeowners renting out properties. There are many more legal implications to consider when doing business with tenants.

For example, stipulations must be in place for:

  • Entering Property – Even though you own the property, this does not give you the legal right to enter it when tenants are occupying the residence. In most residential leases, clauses are written for the window of time required to notify tenants of permissible entry. A lawyer can help to explain your legal rights as a landlord – as well as the rights of tenants.
  • Solving Disputes – Disputes are extremely common between landlords and tenants. To resolve conflicts faster, consult an attorney for legal advice.Landlord Tenant Lawyer in Jacksonville Florida
  • Evictions – Want to know what the terms are for an eviction in Florida? If you have a non-paying or disruptive tenant, an eviction lawyer in Jacksonville Florida can help you regain control of your property faster. A landlord tenant lawyer can moreover file paperwork and attend court hearings on your behalf – giving you a chance to carry on with your daily life.  
  • Hazard Disclosure – Are there recorded hazards on your property, such as environmental dangers? Any type of threat generally needs to be reported to current and/or potential tenants. If you need help with this, consult a seasoned landlord tenant lawyer in Jacksonville Florida.
  • Security Deposits – As a general rule of thumb, most landlords require a security deposit at the start of a lease to cover repairs or rent nonpayment. If you are starting or ending a lease agreement, make sure to get it all in writing, including the acceptance or return of a security deposit – with the help of an attorney.

Hire a Landlord Tenant Lawyer in Jacksonville Florida

The truth is, renting out an income property or second home isn’t as simple as it seems.

There are many legal obligations landlords must fulfill to comply with local and state laws.

Nevertheless, there are added steps you can take today to protect your financial interest in the future. To get help landlord-tenant agreements, evictions, or disputes, consult our attorneys at Campione Law P.A.