Business Litigation

Small Business, Big Dreams: Let Campione Law Guide You Through the Legal Landscape

Call Campione Law Your Shield Against Underpaid and Denied Claims

Success thrives on risk management and effective responses to challenges. Call (904) 990-8400

Blueprinting Business Futures


Trusted Business Advisor

At Campione Law, we’re more than just lawyers; we’re also small business owners. Specializing in navigating the legal landscape, we ensure your business’s success while you focus on what you do best.

At Campione Law, we’re more than just lawyers; we’re also small business owners. Specializing in navigating the legal landscape, we ensure your business’s success while you focus on what you do best.

Dream Catalysts

As small business specialists, we help you start the company of your dreams!

Asset Guardians

Things happen and when they do, we are here to protect your interests!

Legal Lifeline

We offer an array of services that help your business grow!

your shield in business ventures

Here at Campione Law, we understand small businesses because we are a small business. There are certain challenges that are innate to small or medium size businesses. Some of the largest businesses in Florida trust Campione Law as their general counsel. These businesses include organizations involved in retail, construction, entertainment, and the service industries. Mr. Campione likens the analogy of a soldier running across a battlefield to that of opening a small business. That soldier will encounter hidden landmines, obstacles, and opposing forces.

Campione Law has the blueprint for the battlefield.

your shield in business ventures

Here at Campione Law, we understand small businesses because we are a small business. There are certain challenges that are innate to small or medium size businesses. Some of the largest businesses in Florida trust Campione Law as their general counsel. These businesses include organizations involved in retail, construction, entertainment, and the service industries. Mr. Campione likens the analogy of a soldier running across a battlefield to that of opening a small business. That soldier will encounter hidden landmines, obstacles, and opposing forces.

Campione Law has the blueprint to the battlefield.

FREE consultation

Talk to a Business Litigation Lawyer Today!

Business Litigation Lawyers in Jacksonville


We know where the potential landmines are, how to maneuver the obstacles, and how to defeat the opposing forces that stand in the way of your business. We will help prepare you for success and ensure your prolonged success. You will be able to focus your time and energy on your core business, while we protect and guide you through all your legal hurdles.


General Counsel – Your Strategic Legal Partner

Our commitment to small businesses is unwavering, as exemplified by our role as trusted general counsel for numerous organizations in Florida. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises, Campione Law offers comprehensive legal support tailored to your business’s needs. Let us be your strategic legal partner, guiding you through legal complexities and safeguarding your interests while you focus on growing your business.

Complex Litigation

From contract disputes to intellectual property conflicts, Campione Law adeptly navigates complex litigation scenarios for small businesses. Whether it’s resolving breach of contract claims or defending against trademark infringement allegations, our firm provides strategic solutions tailored to your specific legal challenges. Trust Campione Law to safeguard your business interests and achieve favorable resolutions in complex litigation matters.

Incorporation (LLC, Partnership, Corporation, etc..)

Campione Law specializes in assisting small businesses with entity formation, whether it’s establishing an LLC, partnership, corporation, or other business structure. With personalized guidance and attention to detail, our firm ensures that your business is properly incorporated to meet your specific needs and goals. Trust Campione Law to navigate the complexities of entity formation, laying a solid legal foundation for your business’s success.

Operating / Partnership Agreements

Campione Law recognizes the significance of a well-drafted lease agreement in securing suitable premises for your business. Our firm provides comprehensive lease drafting services customized to your requirements, guaranteeing clarity, fairness, and legal adherence. With Campione Law’s proficiency in lease enforcement, your rights as a tenant or landlord are safeguarded throughout the lease duration.

Lien Law

Campione Law specializes in providing comprehensive legal support to small businesses regarding lien law matters. With our deep understanding of lien law regulations and procedures, we offer strategic guidance and representation to ensure that your business assets are protected and secured.


Ensure your company’s competitive edge with non-compete agreements tailored to your needs. Whether you’re a small tech startup or a local agency, we’ll craft agreements to prevent employees from joining competitors, safeguarding your unique offerings. Trust us to keep your business protected from unfair competition.

Construction / Mechanics

Campione Law offers tailored legal support to small businesses involved in construction projects, ensuring smooth operations and project success. With our experience in construction law, we provide strategic guidance and representation to address contract issues, disputes, and regulatory compliance, allowing you to focus on completing your projects with confidence. Trust Campione Law to be your partner in navigating the legal complexities of the construction industry, safeguarding your business interests every step of the way.

Contract Drafting and Review

From vendor contracts to client agreements, our team provides meticulous contract drafting and review services to protect your interests and minimize risks. Count on our expertise to navigate the intricacies of contract law and ensure the stability of your business relationships.

Conflict Resolution

Whether facing contractual disagreements or partnership conflicts, our seasoned team specializes in effective conflict resolution strategies crafted to meet your small business needs. With a focus on finding practical solutions and preserving business relationships, we guide you through challenging situations to achieve favorable outcomes. Trust our expertise to navigate disputes with professionalism and efficiency, allowing you to focus on the success of your business.

Debt Collection

When it comes to debt collection, our experienced team is dedicated to assisting small businesses in recovering outstanding debts efficiently and effectively. With a focus on preserving your financial interests and minimizing disruptions to your operations, we employ strategic approaches to debt recovery designed to meet your unique business needs. Trust us to handle the complexities of debt collection with professionalism and determination, allowing you to maintain focus on your business growth.

Small Claims

Our experienced team specializes in providing effective legal representation for small businesses involved in small claims disputes. With a focus on achieving favorable outcomes and minimizing disruptions to your business operations, we guide you through the small claims process with professionalism and efficiency. Trust us to advocate for your interests and navigate the complexities of small claims court.

Why choose Campione Law

  • Small Business Insight: Campione Law’s firsthand experience as a small business ensures an in-depth understanding of the unique challenges faced by enterprises of similar scale.
  • Expert Navigation: Campione Law understands the legal landscape, identifying potential risks and guiding your business around them.
  • Battle-Tested Strategies: Campione Law provides battle-tested strategies to navigate risks and conquer obstacles, ensuring success for their clients.
  • Trusted by Industry Leaders: The endorsement from numerous leading companies in Florida, selecting Campione Law as their primary legal advisor, highlights the firm’s standing and expertise in the industry.
  • Dedicated Support: By entrusting your legal matters to Campione Law, you gain the freedom to focus on your core business activities, with the assurance of dedicated legal support and guidance through every hurdle.

Minimizing Risks
Maximizing Opportunities

Minimizing Risks, Maximizing Opportunities..

Set up a free consultation today. Contact your Jacksonville business litigation lawyers at Campione Law today.

Your Champion in Business Warfare, Call Campione Law Today at (904) 990-8400.